Investment Management

investment managementOur Advisory Services provide you with a personal investment strategy based on your goals, timeframe, and tolerance for risk.  Independent advisors have a wealth of resources available to select appropriate asset classes and investment styles that develop a cohesive, customized, long-term plan.

We monitor, adjust, and rebalance your investments as necessary.

How our Advisory Services work:

Clarifying Your Objectives

  • First, we discuss what is important to you and thoroughly assess your current financial picture to determine what investment strategy is appropriate for you
  • A personalized Investment Strategy Summary is written delineating your goals and investment strategy which serves as the guide for the ongoing management of your portfolio

Strategic Allocation Process

  • We believe it is difficult to time the market and feel the best approach is to properly allocate your portfolio for your risk and return objectives, and to stay fully invested throughout the various market cycles
  • We determine our asset classes and allocations based not on short-term market predictions but on a three to five year capital market outlook

Flexibility of Money Manager Selection

  • We select from thousands of mutual funds and ETF's
  • Each manager is selected carefully and monitored for the portfolios based on investment style, track record, expenses, performance and risk characteristics
  • We prefer to use active managers that have flexibility to select the individual securities in their fund vs passive managers (index funds)
  • We offer portfolios that can reflect your personal values, ie - faith-based or biblically responsible investing.

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